Review: Did Kick-Ass really kick ass?

Posted by Sleepy Sloth On April - 21st - 2010

Well i just saw the movie earlier today and thought I'd post my 2 cents about the movie. This will be a review of some sort. The first one on this blog. I'll try to keep it short. I definitely think Kick-Ass is worth watching. Not a must-watch but definitely worth it. My verdict about it being worthwhile had NOTHING to do with the movie whatsoever and heres why...

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Exclusive clips, Trailer and HQ Poster

Posted by Kieran K On March - 25th - 2010

As much as it sickens me to post about "IT", it was pretty inevitable, since it was a movie and a money spinning cash-cow for that matter...


New Iron Man 2 posters!

Posted by Kieran K On March - 25th - 2010

A couple of hours after posting about the AC/DC collaboration with Iron Man 2 article, some new Iron Man 2 movie posters were released. I decided since the last post was related, I'd post these immediately :)

Iron Man 2

Transformers 3: New Autobot revealed!+Casting details+Location details

Posted by Kieran K On March - 23rd - 2010

This is probably the first time we've heard anything about Transformers 3 and the news comes straight from the horse's mouth that is Michael Bay, the director. Since this kind of news doesn't get any more legit than this, I'm just going to copy and paste whatever he said...

458 Italia

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Exclusive clips, Trailer and HQ Poster

Posted by The Sleepy Sloth On Thursday, March 25, 2010

As much as it sickens me to post about "IT", it was pretty inevitable, since it was a movie and a money spinning cash-cow for that matter. Alas, the monstrosity that is Twilight (*pukes*) has finally reared its ugly head. I've been putting this post off ALOT but the more i seem to do it, the more stuff about "IT" that starts popping up randomly. Anyway, just click on Read More to view the clips and the poster from the third installment of the fur and fang Twilight saga. Most of the clips are from the New Moon DVD which was recently released.

As for the rest of you who pretty much hate "IT" or just never watched "IT", here's a nice short "summary" of the first two movies by someone who posted it on Yahoo Answers.
PS. I edited the first sentence below to make it more "Twi-hard" friendly. Don't say I never did anything for you ;)

" Here is my two-minute rendition (or at least, the stupid major parts):

Bella: le sigh. i'm moving....ho hum new he's hot. but he hates me. oh no.

....not long after

Edward: do you know what i am?
B: a superhero. no? then it must be a vampire. i googled it.
E: yup. i'll probably kill you later. you're blood happens to smell fantastic.
B: oh that's fine, because i'm madly in love with you now.
E: really? can i come STAND IN YOUR ROOM AND WATCH YOU SLEEP? i'd rather do it wiith your permission than without
B: nonsense, come lie with me and stay awake the entire night to watch me sleep. because that's not creepy at all.
E: yays.

a wee bit later....

B: omigod, jacob you're hot.
Jacob: fabulous. love me.
B: okay. thing is i'm in love with someone else, hmm well, i guess i just have to have both of you

later (i may have included more books than just twilight btw)

E & J: could you please pick one of us? you''re breakin our hearts here.
B: mmmm no. i love you both. you'll just have to stick it out
E & J: oookaaay. but only because we love you s derned much.
B: you guys are the best

and now i know i'm adding in other books

B: oooowww paper cut
E: dude, Jasper tried to eat you. relationship officially over.
B: no, i love you. don't leave.
E: toodles.
B: depression is consuming my soul because my first boyfriend ever who i've been dating for about a year broke up with me. enter zombie mode

much later

B: oh yea. i forgot how hot jacob was. i feel better now.....but wait there's more. if i try to kill myself, i can pretend i hear edward telling me not to. life is perfect =) "

Movie poster:

Sneak peek from the upcoming movie:

Exclusive clip:


Seven minute clip:

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